Wednesday 4 April 2012

Concussions - What Does Prevention Really Mean?

In the World of Sports Medicine Prevention s is defined as  “prevention” all interventions that occur before the initial onset of disorder.

When addressing The Concussion Epidemic ,WE must use the later term. In a ever chancing fast paced sports arena one could never expect to stop something from happening. Simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time can spell disaster

As Professionals in the field of Preventative Sports Medicine, I know we all have read, or participated in protocols to Prevent Anterior Cruciate Ligament(ACL) Tears. There are literally 100s of protocols to protect the knee joint and particularly the ACL from tearing.

As Professionals we all know despite our best efforts our athletes will tear their ACLs. But that does not mean we ignore the ACL and just let things happen without at least putting forth our best efforts to prepare the athlete for competition, with the hope that our efforts as professionals have given the athlete a fair chance at not tearing the ACL.

AS professionals, why do we treat concussions completely different?   We all know that concussions cannot be prevented, just as ACL tears cannot be prevented.  WE prepare athletes for the contact and forces related to ACL tears.  Wouldn’t it then be logical to assume that if prevention protocols that
strengthen muscles around a joint that reduces tears of a repairable ligament;
are at least equal, if not the same sense of urgency for the prevention of cervical
spine injury and traumatic brain pathologies ••• to a joint that may not be                        

Instead, the prevention of cervical spine injury and traumatic brain injury
has focused on better recognition, better education, better legislation, better
execution and better innovation.

Read rest of the article Here!

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