Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year!

Core Hockey Training would like to wish all of our readers a Happy New Year! I hope 2012 is filled with improved hockey skills, good luck around the net and being a complete player! Lets all be safe tonight and no drinking and driving!

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Learning Life Lessons: The Reason for Youth Sports

From the Website - Grow The Game!

The chances of a child’s playing college- or professional-level sports are better than winning the lottery but not by much. Though the dream of playing professionally motivates many young players, parents should be clear that the goal of youth sports is about building better kids, not about building a career.

Kids active in sports are more likely to:
  • Avoid regular or heavy smoking
  • Avoid drugs
  • Stay in school
  • Have good conduct
  • Attain high academic achievement
For girls in particular, the benefits of playing sports can be tremendous. Girls playing sports:
  • Like themselves more
  • Have more self-confidence
  • Suffer less depression
  • Have a 60 percent lower likelihood of breast cancer
  • Have fewer unwanted pregnancies
These benefits come from the fact that sports teach many life lessons. Active parent involvement gives parents the best chance of shaping these lessons for their kids. Life lessons from sports can include:
  • Respecting others (including opponents)
  • Exercising self-discipline
  • Playing fairly
  • Being a good winner
  • Being a good loser
  • Developing teamwork and trust
  • Overcoming challenges and frustrations
  • Learning to deal with constructive criticism
  • Responding positively to disappointments
  • Building health and physical fitness
  • Feeling the pride of accomplishment
  • Taking responsibility for mistakes
  • Showing leadership
  • Making friends
  • Learning to resolve conflicts
  • Learning to deal with stress
  • Setting goals
  • Following rules
These life lessons benefit kids in whatever course they set in life. They provide parents with strong incentives to motivate their kids to play longer, whether or not these efforts land their kids scholarships or contracts.

Editor’s Note: Special thanks to Sports Esteem for the above article.

Do This Before Buying Sports Equipment

From the website - Grow The Game!

When shopping for sports equipment, keep in mind that most retailers offer discounts.

Don’t make a significant purchase before checking to see if a discount or special offer is available for the equipment you want to buy.

To check for available discounts, all you need to do is execute a search on Google, Yahoo!, or other major search engines. In the search box, simply put the retailer’s name and the word “Coupon” in parenthesis.

You can also replace the word “coupon” with “discount code” to find additional discounts. For most retailers, you can usually get at least 10 percent off or free shipping with your order. is a helpful website that offers over 25,000 discount codes for online stores. Simply go to the site and enter the URL of the store from which you are purchasing equipment (the site also offers codes for many other online stores). You will see a listing of promotional codes with their success rating. Start with the codes that have the highest success rating and work your way down.

Doing a quick online check for discounts and coupons is a simple step that will take you only a few minutes but can end up saving you quite a bit of money.