Friday 23 December 2011

Nutrition: Surviving the Holidays

Tis' the Season: Surviving the Holidays  
The holiday season is a time of family, friends, festivities and overindulgence. It's the season when many people self sabotage their year of health and fitness achievements. Despite the parties, baking, shopping, eating, decorating, socializing...we can still make the most of the month! Here are a few easy ways  to survive the chaos :

1. Plan - set your holiday schedule in advance, so that you can allot time for physical activity. Being well organized will help reduce your holiday stress and allow you to maintain some consistency in your workout routine.

2. Lunch or Brunch- set up lunch dates instead of dinners. Individuals are less likely to overindulge in the middle of the day, portions are smaller and it also saves you the caloric burden of partaking in excessive alcohol consumption.

3. Everything is moderation - have that favourite cookie or slice of your Mother's Christmas Cake. It's not about depriving yourself of life's little pleasures, BUT it is about using portion control and insuring that you limit your sugar intake on a daily basis.

4. The 1-1 Rule - if you are in the mood for a holiday cocktail, use the 1-1 Rule. For every alcoholic beverage, have 1 full glass of water. Make it festive by adding fresh lemon or a few cranberries! This will satisfy your need to enjoy the party, keep you hydrated, and help limit the possible calorie overload.

5. Workout Date- instead of going for a meal with every friend to celebrate the season, invite them to a group training session or a yoga class. Fitness can be fun, social, and a satisfying way to enjoy the company of a good friend!

6. Go RAW - when nibbling at a holiday fete, look for raw choices. Look for raw vegetables and fruit that will increase your nutrient and fibre intake for the day, as well as satisfying your desire to snack.

7. Don't SAVE your appetite - many people have this strange idea that if they eat very little before a party or holiday meal, then it will even out that caloric intake for the day, but the reality is that you are actually causing more harm than good. Keep your metabolism burning all day by eating every 3 hours. Plus, if your are satisfied before the event, then you are less likely to indulge.

8. K.I.S.S. with Coffee - sometimes meeting a friend for coffee is all we have time for over the holidays. This may sound like a great plan for your diet, but remember if it looks like dessert and tastes like dessert, then consider it a dessert. Extravagant coffee beverages can sabotage your meal plan. Use the K.I.S.S. principle - keep it simple and look for healthier options like sugar-free flavours and lactose-free milk.

9. New Year's Resolutions - your fitness needs to be a priority! Don't procrastinate until "next month". Make the arrangements now so you can actually start your fitness plan in January. Plus, make the financial commitment in advance, so you can budget accordingly .

10. Salud! - Enjoy this time and don't get caught up in the little things. No one will remember that extra ribbon that you forgot to put on a gift or the fact you only made 11 kinds of cookies not your usual 12. Celebrate this time with family and friends - eat, drink, and most importantly, be merry!

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