Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Winning Counts – But Know What We are Trying to Win

America prides itself on all forms of competition. Tracking wins and losses is an ingrained part of the nation’s character. This winning attitude should be carried over into youth sports. But,  without understanding what it is we are trying to win, we run the risk of losing and losing big.
‘Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.’

Tracking wins and losses is easy when there are countable things like game outcomes. It becomes much harder when it comes to things such as fun, passion and skills progression. This sometimes leads parents and coaches to believe that winning in youth sports concerns game outcomes rather than life experiences.

‘Losing only teaches you how to lose.’

The old adage that losing only teaches someone how to lose doesn’t apply only to games. It applies to all areas of life such as learning, sportsmanship, friendship, teamwork and self-discipline, to name a few. If kids lose in these areas but win in games, then kids won’t have much to show for their youth sports experience. However, if kids win in these areas but lose games, then their experiences will last a lifetime.

‘If it doesn’t matter who wins or loses, then why do they keep score?’

Professional sports, used as a role model for youth sports, can often produce disastrous results for a child’s long-term success. Youth sports does not represent a farm system for high school, college or professional sports. Youth sports represent a farm team for business, politics, education, communities and families. Viewed in this manner, success and winning are all about building the best kids possible.

‘Americans play to win at all times. I wouldn’t give a hoot for a man who lost and laughed.’

The chances of any child’s playing college or professional sports are extremely slim. So, if winning is determined by this standard, most kids will end up as losers. If winning is determined by positive life lessons, then there is an opportunity for every kid to be a winner. And, there is an opportunity for every coach and parent to make a difference.

The popular saying that ‘Losing makes you a loser’ may be true. But, its misuse in youth sports threatens to leave parents with kids who value the appearance of winning over true personal success. Parents have a huge role to play in helping their kids learn the right lessons from youth sports and use their sports experiences to become better leaders of our future. Winning is an important part of youth sports. But, parents must always keep focused on what their kids are trying to win. Keeping this perspective makes it much easier to see game outcomes as interesting but irrelevant.

Editor’s note: Thanks to Sports Esteem for the valuable article.

Will Playing More Hockey Make You Better?

More Great articles at Hockey Player Development!

January is quickly coming to a close, which means most youth hockey seasons are wrapping up. I remember at the beginning of the year when talking to several of the teams I train saying something along the lines of:
“It’s important that we get these things down now, because when December and January roll around and you’re all grumpy and miserable, we still need to be able to do things right.”
The borderline depression that almost all players go through about mid-season is incredibly predictable. Enthusiasm to play goes down. Enthusiasm to train is non-existent. Fatigue is high. Attitudes are generally mediocre, at best. Players start to get sick. Some get hurt. I don’t generally think that you need to be an ex-player to properly train hockey players, but I do think my background as a player allows me to relate to this mid-season struggle a bit better than an “outsider” and also allows me to make anticipatory changes to their in-season training programs.

That said, it’s important to take a step back and gain an understanding of why this mid-season lull occurs in the first place, as it certainly has a notable effect on most players’ physical and psychological readiness, and typically also in their production. Essentially, players begin to show signs of over-training and under-recovery. Think about what happens at this time of year:
  1. Fatigue accumulates from the volume of past practices and games
  2. In most areas the weather is cold and dark, depriving players of the physical benefit of Vitamin D derived from sunlight (most players should probably be taking supplemental Vitamin D for the majority of the year), and the psychological benefit of sun exposure
  3. School marking periods or semesters are wrapping up so players have a ton of last minute papers and assignments to hand in and tests to prepare for
  4. In many areas, high school hockey is also underway, adding MORE volume on top of the already rigorous schedules of club hockey
This latter point is one I want to expand on. In talking with one of our U16 teams the other week, I asked them about how many games they had on the schedule, which was about 70. Practices? About 100.  So across the ~7 month season (roughly the end of August through early March), they skate ~175 times. This shakes out to a weekly schedule that involves 2-3 practices and 2 games, on average, with weeks of more practices and tournaments mixed in throughout the season. A weekly schedule might look like:

Monday: Off
Tuesday: Off-Ice Training and On-Ice Practice
Wednesday: On-Ice Practice
Thursday: Off-Ice Training and On-Ice Practice
Friday: Off
Saturday: Game
Sunday: Game

When you superimpose high school hockey schedules on to this, at least in our area, you’re looking at another 2 practices per week and a game each weekend. Now instead of 4-5 skates per week, the player has 7-8. Now the weekly schedule looks something like:

Monday: HS On-Ice Practice
Tuesday: Off-Ice Training and On-Ice Practice for Club Team
Wednesday: HS On-Ice Practice and Club On-Ice Practice
Thursday: Off-Ice Training and On-Ice Practice for Club Team
Friday: HS Game
Saturday: Club Game
Sunday: Club Game

“Okay now off to school practice!”
The high school hockey schedule is typically a bit shorter, but it occupies the times of year when fatigue accumulation from club hockey is at an all time high. The overlapping schedules add more stressors (in the true sense of the word stress, not in an “anxiety” sense to which stress is often referred) AND provides less time for recovery between stressors to an athlete that is already struggling to fully recover from the current demands. Unfortunately this manifests in the symptoms I described above, the most recognizable of which may be a lack of on-ice production. The kicker is that the best intentioned players may respond to this by saying things like “I just need to work harder.” The truth is that the best option for the players is to do less. It’s not that they aren’t providing sufficient stimuli for adaptation; it’s that they aren’t providing adequate recovery opportunities between these stimuli. These players make appear to not be giving an effort and/or not mentally focused. It’s not that they aren’t, it’s that they don’t have the capacity to do so. They’ve exceeded their recovery capacity. They need a nap, some sunlight, and this incredible food type called “vegetables” (which most teenagers are only loosely familiar with), but not a different attitude and certainly not more conditioning.

The cure for a mid-season slump!
This may raise the appropriate question about whether playing more hockey will make the player better. As you can infer from the tone of the current discussion, the answer isn’t always yes. Playing more hockey will make the player better if these conditions are met:
  1. The level of play challenges the player or inspires sufficient creativity to develop improved skill sets, and an augmented ability to read the play
  2. The player is given adequate time and resources to fully recover from the stresses associated with playing more
In reality, high school hockey probably doesn’t meet either of these criterion, at least not for the level of players I’m referring to. If you play Tier I youth hockey in the US, school hockey will probably involve a lower level of competition, and push you over your recovery threshold from a volume standpoint. I’m sure there are exceptions to this rule as there are likely to be a few outstanding school teams with above average coaches, but in general, it’s a step down.

I understand why most club players play high school. Bragging rights. Notoriety. Fun. Unfortunately these players will need to make a mature decision whether these things are worth the potential negative outcomes.

Injuries. Impaired club team performance. Impaired school performance. Overall moodiness! This all comes back to the message I’ve been trying to share a lot with you over the last several months in that development is a long-term process and it’s important to keep your ideal finish line in mind while you’re taking steps along the way. If you don’t plan on playing beyond high school, it might not be that difficult to suffer the consequences of over-playing and under-recovery. If, however, your finish line involves playing college and possibly pursuing professional hockey, you’ll need to take the appropriate steps to pursue that goal, which may mean passing on opportunities to play more hockey. This could include high school hockey in-season, and most spring leagues and tournament teams in the off-season. The decision is always in your hands.

What’s your finish line?

To your success,
Kevin Neeld

In Defense of Undersized Hockey Players

Article from MI Hockey Kid!

My kids have represented the bigger end of the scale and the smaller end of the scale in youth hockey over the years. My last is a little guy. Not tiny, but he's small with a late birthday (curse you Malcolm Gladwell and Outliers!) and I worry he's just not going to be that big. Of course I'm dating myself here, but when I was a kid the average size of a hockey player was about 5'9. Now it's over 6'1 and for every St. Louis and Kane, there's a Chara, and a Myers and a host of buildings on skates. I understand. My kid's not going to the NHL and I'm pretty sure yours isn't either, but when they're playing youth hockey and facing off against kids who are in some cases a full 6-8 inches taller - it's a huge advantage. Finally someone has put into words what I've always thought.

A guy named Kevin Neeld who runs a site called KevinNeeld.com (clever) has come up with what I believe is the definite missive to parents called "A Letter to Parents of Undersized Hockey Players." How to, on how not to sweat the lack of growth at an early age (and beyond). Among the statements he makes that I really appreciate is the assertion that being small actually makes you work harder:

It is often the under-sized players that are forced to develop above-average skill sets in order to compete at a level with larger and/or faster players. They need better hands, better skating ability, an improved spatial awareness, ability to read the play, and overall understanding of the game. 

Well said. The article is most importantly a call to parents to chill out. I appreciate that even more. Now excuse me while I go measure my kid's height and weight for the third time this season. You can read the article/letter here.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Shock Doctor Hockey Impact Shirt Review

More Reviews at Hockey Gear Review!

Look and Feel

Like many other base layer shirts, the Shockskin Hockey Impact Shirt by Shock Doctor, is a tight-fitting shirt made of synthetic materials. What really separates the shirts from others is the built-in amour. The Shock Skin foam layer will be the first thing you notice. It provides extra protection at the base of your neck, across your lower back and along your ribs. If you play in really intense hockey with lots of stick work, this may be the base layer shirt for you.
Once I put the shirt on, it felt like any other base layer shirt in that it was a tight fit on the body. I found it interesting that Shock Doctor has used two different materials. The chest, ribs and upper arms of the shirt are made of one of one material and the forearm/wrist area and down the spine are made of a mesh material. According to Shock Doctor, the mesh material is a 4 way stretch mesh that allows for greater movement and breathability.


Once I started to play in the shirt, I noticed how much I liked the Gripper Pattern on the elbows of the shirt. It really locked in my elbow pads and kept them from sliding around during the game. The shirt also has gripper pattern on the ends of sleeves as well but I really notice its effectiveness.
Now a days, I don’t play in a very physical league. Most of the time, I play in a regular pick game and it is pretty easy-going. So for me the extra amour seemed a little lost. I don’t regularly encounter cross checks to the ribs or to the spin like I used to playing minor hockey.
The Shockskin Shirt breathed well in most areas but seemed to trap a little more heat and moisture under the armored areas. It was not a big deal and didn’t effect my performance on the ice. All in all, it preformed like most other base layer shirts on the market.


If you play high impact hockey or need a little more protection, then the Shockskin Hockey Impact Shirt will be a good fit for you. Priced at $69.99, it a little more than other base layer shirts but also offers protection where shoulder pads don’t. I can see this shirt being a good base layer shirt for goalies of all levels and players in any type of hockey that has hitting. Hockey Gear Review recommends this shirt to all goalies and anyone who plays in a contact league.