Wednesday 8 February 2012

Stability Ball Training 101

The stability ball (also called an exercise ball, Swiss ball, or physioball) is a simple yet versatile piece of training equipment that you can use to train your whole body with fun and innovative moves. Stability ball training is effective in building balance, stability, and pillar strength. You can find stability balls at most gyms, and they can be purchased at sporting goods stores or in our online store.

Dave Cruz



The stability ball is a versatile piece of equipment that has a wide range of benefits. Here are some of the positive results you'll see:
  • Build pillar strength. Stability ball exercises are ideal for building pillar strength since they increase the demand of your shoulder, hip, and core stability.
  • Improve balance and coordination. The unstable surface of the stability ball forces your muscles to heighten their readiness. Your body will call more muscles into action to help stabilize your body and control that unstable surface.
  • Activate key muscles. Stability ball exercises can also help activate and elongate key muscles, much like you do in your Movement Prep routine.
  • Better sports performance. Stability ball movements create better body awareness. This can lead to a lower your risk of injury because you'll be less likely to turn an ankle or twist a knee when you're knocked off balance.

Challenge Your Brain and Body

If you do a set of pushups on the floor, you’ll need some strength, but not a whole lot of balance, agility, or coordination. But what if you add the added challenge of placing your hands on a stability ball? Now your body has to compensate to keep the ball from moving. Your central nervous system has to recruit more of your muscles so you can remain balanced. More of those little muscles in the shoulder are activated, creating more stability. When we’re challenging the body’s feedback system to make quick adjustments, we say this exercise is “proprioceptively enriched,” meaning it will help you improve better and challenge your muscles.

 Read the rest of the Article Here!

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