Thursday 8 March 2012

So, Are We Sick of Each Other Yet?

From The Website MI Hockey Kid!

This is the time of year most parents just love in the world of youth hockey. We can see the end - the end of the season, the end of monthly payments, the end of disappointment, the end of coaching controversies, the end of early morning and late evening cold rinks. Some parents are sad about it, but honestly - most are ready to move on to baseball, lacrosse, soccer, etc. or nothing! And I'm ready to move on to a new set of parents.

I coach travel baseball, so for me, we've been working out indoors for a month now. And yes, I get sick of seeing the baseball parents too, eventually - but it's not as bad as hockey. In hockey, it just keeps coming - practices, games, team parties, e-mails, texts, Facebook, phone calls, out of town tournaments, etc. It's relentless. My youngest son isn't done with hockey for another couple of weeks and then a short Spring season. But can I say it? Please? I'm sick of all of you. Yes, you. And I have absolutely no doubt you're sick of me too.

I don't see my family this much. I love them, but honestly if I had to spend this much time with my aunts, uncles, in-laws, cousins, sisters, brothers, or parents - I'd be fed up with them too. I've seen waaaaay too much of the parents on my son's hockey team. Way too much. We're at the point now where some are taking their kids elsewhere, some weren't invited back, etc. It just sucks. We're all cranky.

Again, let me say that I really like most of these people. But NO ONE should have to spend as much time together as hockey parents do. For us, four days a week every week since the first of August is just enough. We go through this every year. The excitement of a new season, morphing quickly into - "oh you again." I know everyone feels the same way. It's a long season. Lots of travel, carpooling, cold early morning rinks. Too much coffee. We're done.

So can I say it? Alright - see you at the end of July or August. I'll be happy to see you, really. But this Spring and Summer? Please move on. Don't call. Don't write. We'll catch up later. Thanks.

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